¿Why do politicians in Spain think that countries working together and integrating precludes countries also running their own affairs?
Ez dago galderaren erantzun gehiago

Disculpe, no sé inglés como para expresarme en ese idioma. Saludos. 

Gorka Maneiro
 Galdera ¿Why do politicians in Spain think that countries working together and integrating precludes countries also running their own affairs?

In Scotland, the Yes campaign for independence, as an inclusive civil movement, has been made in a positive manner, based on the great need for change in the relationships in the United Kingdom with a view to equality and real representation for the people of Scotland, whose political spectrum is in no way reflected in successive Westminster governments who have failed the whole of the United Kingdom. We have based our argument on a sound economic case, the protection of citizens against creeping neoliberalism and the realisation that the people of Scotland are best placed to represent Scotland on the European and national stage. It is fallacy to suggest that this movement runs contra to integration in the modern world.

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Politikaria bazara eta parte hartzeko interesa baduzu, Jarri harremanetan

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